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We are involved with multiple companies to accomplish our goals. 

In a completely unrelated project, we are developing a product named Grill Baby (tm). 

We are looking forward to hearing the chant Grill Baby Grill (tm)! 

Grill Baby is a patent pending apparatus intended primarily for scrubbing cooking surfaces such as grill and griddles. 

Grill Baby is a solution to the health hazard caused by traditional cleaning brushes shedding wires that may stick to food and accidentally be consumed by humans and / or pets. 

Consuming these wires is a well documented health hazard that may cause life threatening conditions that require emergency surgery. 

If you are interested in investing in, marketing or distributing Grill Baby, please leave a message at the number below. 

All Rights Reserved, Copyright © 1987-2016.  All trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owner.  This information is subject to change without notice.

Please leave a message for Eric.

Proudly made in the USA
Our preferred Liquid Nitrogen supplier is:  ???
Powered by Tire Recyling Logo3
We are proudly pioneering the field of EcoGineeringTM :  engineering for the benefit of our ecology and environment.
All prices are in U.S. Dollars, F.O.B. Manufacturer  





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